As you may know, our Impreza landing page has the Showcase section, which shows the most attractive real websites built with Impreza. I decide to replenish our collection with fresh websites, so now it’s good time to show your website to the world 😉
Just leave a link to your site in reply to the ticket. You can leave several links as well. There are the main criterias for choosing:
I will check every reply and every website and select the most attractive ones. I will rely on my taste only. Every selected website will be placed into Showcase section of Impreza landing. The order of site examples is random (is changed on page refresh).
I will mention in replies every website I selected.
Impreza landing page has been viewed 18 982 times in the last 30 days (regarding Google Analytics), so it will good possibility to get some additional traffic on your website. Also is always good to know if your website was chosen as an example of a great website design.